Can one hear the shape of a drum?

고등과학원 세미나입니다.

TIME: 17:10-18:10, April 08 (Mon), 2019
SPEAKER: Plinio G. P. Murillo (KIAS)
TITLE: Can one hear the shape of a drum?

ABSTRACT: Mathematically, a drum can be considered as a bounded region D in the Euclidean plane. The vibration of the drum can be modelled by the wave equation, and the vibrating frequencies are codified by the eigenvalues of the Laplacian operator on D. In 1966, Marc Kac popularized the question which has the title of this talk, and which translates to ask whether the eigenvalues of the Laplacian determine the geometry of D. In this occasion, we will talk about the history of the problem, and how its developments have touched different areas of mathematics such as Analysis, Geometry and Number Theory.
This talk will serve as a prelude to the workshop “Hyperbolic Geometry, Spectral Geometry and related topics” to be held at KIAS from April 15th to 19th.