날짜별 글 목록: 05/01/2019

Approximation Methods with Reproducing Property


일시: 5월 17일 (금), 16:30 – 17:30
장소: 아산이학관 526호
제목: Approximation Methods with Reproducing Property
연사: 정병선 (이화여대 수리과학연구소)

초록: Capability of reproducing a certain class of functions is a fundamental requirement in approximation. The reproducing property is strongly connected to the approximation order, which is an important criterion for developing a good approximation method. In this colloquium, we take a look at some approximation schemes reproducing polynomials or exponential polynomials as well as their applications in order to verify the benefit of the capability.

Spectrum of non-flat triangular drum and the orbit of billiards on it

수학과 정기특강입니다. 5월 3일에서 10일로 변경되었습니다.

1. 일시 : 2019년 5월 10일 (금) 오후 4시 30분 ~ 5시 30분
2. 장소 : 아산이학관 526호
3. 연사 : 임선희(서울대학교 수리과학부)
4. 제목 : Spectrum of non-flat triangular drum, and the orbit of billiards on it: around the work of Akshey Venkatesh

5. 초록: We will start with a general overview of interaction between number theory and dynamics. We will then look into the particular case of the subconvexity of L-function and explain its dynamical interpretation. We will then finish with the problems in Diophantine approximation and its dynamical solution. The last part is based on joint work with Uri Shapira and Nicolas de Saxcé.

Algebraic properties of inner projections

1. 일시 : 2019년 5월 7일(화), 16:00 – 17:00
2. 장소 : 아산이학관 526호
3. 제목 : Algebraic properties of inner projections
4. 연사 : Dang Hop Nguyen (Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology)

5. 초록  : The projection of a variety from a point corresponds to the elimination of an ideal with respect to a variable. The theory of partial elimination ideals, initiated by Mark Green, provides a method to keep track of the algebraic properties of the projection. We discuss the depth and regularity of (inner) projection using partial elimination ideals. We also illustrate the applications of our results. This is work in progress with with D.T. Cuong and S. Kwak.