날짜별 글 목록: 05/02/2019

Zero density estimates of an Epstein zeta function

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제목: Zero density estimates of an Epstein zeta function near the half line
연사: 이윤복 (인천대학교)
일시: 2019년 5월 2일 목요일, 15:00-16:00
장소: 아산이학관 526호

Abstract: Let Q be a positive definite quadratic form with integral coefficients and let E(s,Q) be the Epstein zeta function associated with Q. Assume that the class number of Q is bigger than 1. Then we estimate the number of zeros of E(s,Q) in the region Re(s) > \sigma_T (\theta) := 1/2 + (\log T)^{-\theta} and T < Im(s) < 2T, to provide its asymptotic formula for fixed 0 < \theta < 1 conditionally. Moreover, it is unconditional if the class number of Q is 2 or 3 and 0 < \theta < 1/13.