월별 글 목록: 2021년 2월월

Enumerative geometry, before and after string theory

고등과학원 특강입니다.

일시: 2021년 2월 26일 금요일 (1) 11:00-12:00, (2) 2:00-3:00.
장소: 고등과학원 8101
연사: 김영훈 교수(서울대)
제목: Enumerative geometry, before and after string theory

초록: Throughout its long history, algebraic geometry has been enriched by influences from abstract algebra, number theory, analysis and so on. One of the most recent influences came from string theory circa 1990 which revolutionalized enumerative geometry in particular. In this informal survey talk, I will discuss classical enumerative geometry before string theory and improvements after string theory as well as some recent advances.

Deep Reinforcement Learning for Legged Robots

학과 세미나입니다.

제목: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Legged Robots
연사: 황보제민 (KAIST 기계공학과)
장소: 이학관 525호 – 줌을 이용한 실시간 온라인 동시진행
일시: 2021년 2월 26일 (금) 13:00-14:00

초록: Legged robots pose one of the greatest challenges in robotics. Dynamic and agile maneuvers of animals cannot be imitated by existing methods that are crafted by humans. A compelling alternative is reinforcement learning, which requires minimal craftsmanship and promotes the natural evolution of a control policy. However, so far, reinforcement learning research for legged robots is mainly limited to simulation, and only few and comparably simple examples have been deployed on real systems. The primary reason is that training with real robots, particularly with dynamically balancing systems, is complicated and expensive. Recent algorithmic improvements have made simulation even cheaper and more accurate at the same time. Leveraging such tools to obtain control policies is thus a seemingly promising direction. However, a few simulation-related issues have to be addressed before utilizing them in practice. The biggest obstacle is the so-called reality gap — discrepancies between the simulated and the real system. Hand-crafted models often fail to achieve a reasonable accuracy due to the complexities of actuation systems of existing robots. This talk will focus on how such obstacles can be overcome. The main approaches are twofold: a fast and accurate algorithm for solving contact dynamics and a data-driven simulation-augmentation method using deep learning. These methods are applied to the ANYmal robot, a sophisticated medium-dog-sized quadrupedal system. Using policies trained in simulation, the quadrupedal machine achieves locomotion skills that go beyond what had been achieved with prior methods: ANYmal is capable of precisely and energy-efficiently following high-level body velocity commands, running faster than ever before, and recovering from falling even in complex configurations.

Data-Driven Methods for Artist-Directed Fluid Simulations

학과 특강입니다.

1. 일시 : 2021년 2월 5일 (금) 13:00-14:30
2. 장소 : 아산이학관 525호 및 Zoom을 이용한 실시간 온라인 강연 동시 진행
3. 연사 : 김병수 박사 (ETH Zuric)

4. 제목 : Data-Driven Methods for Artist-Directed Fluid Simulations
5. 초록 : Fluid phenomena are ubiquitous to our world experience: winds swooshing through trembling leaves, turbulent water streams running down a river, and cellular patterns generated from wrinkled flames are some few examples. These complex phenomena capture our attention and awe due to the beautifully materialized complex patterns and become crucial elements to artistically support storytelling. In virtual environments, however, sophisticated manipulation of animated flow structures is still a burdensome task. Given the amount of available fluid simulation data, data-driven approaches have emerged as attractive solutions. In this talk, I will present our recent works on data-driven methods for art-directable fluid simulations.

이 특강은 유상현 교수님께서 주관하십니다.

고려 라이프 아카데미

고려대학교 교양교육원과 동원육영재단이 함께하는 전인교육 프로그램
2021학년도 『고려 라이프 아카데미 3기』에 여러분을 초대합니다.

고려 라이프 아카데미란?
1) 동원육영재단 후원 프로그램으로 핵심교양 라이프 아카데미 I, II 운영(1년 과정)
2) 주제별 독서 및 토론, 글쓰기, 주제/심화특강, 프로젝트, 성찰일지 등을 통한 전인교육 실시
3) 도서 지원, 문화활동 지원비 등 다양한 특전

– 2021학년도 라이프 아카데미 I, II (핵심교양)
– 학기별 3학점 / 1년 수료시 6학점
※핵심교양 해당 학점으로 수강신청가능학점에 포함되는 학점임.

접수 기한: 2월 9일(화) 오후 1시까지
접수 방법: 구글 신청서(https://forms.gle/FbuzDsrvvuSVivtQA) 제출
문의처: 교양교육원 02-3290-1087 / geedcredu@korea.ac.kr

학부생을 위한 대수기하

학과에서 준비한 학부생을 위한 특강입니다.

주제: 학부생을 위한 대수기하 입문
연사: 박진형 교수님(서강대학교 수학과)
시간: 2021년 2월 4일 오후 3:00-5:00

Zoom을 이용한 실시간 온라인 강연입니다.
서로소 또는 학과 공지에 응답하여 참여 신청한 학생들에게는
줌 회의 접속을 위한 링크를 보냈습니다.

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