날짜별 글 목록: 05/11/2021

Mathematics and Physics of Explainable AI

고등과학원 특강입니다.

DATE: May 12 (Wed), 2021
TIME: 14:00-15:30
PLACE: 고등과학원 8101
SPEAKER: Rak-Kyeong Seong (Samsung SDS)
TITLE: The Mathematics and Physics of Explainable AI

Machine Learning has been a useful tool in recent years for solving computationally costly problems in the natural sciences. However, often too much focus has been on what computation Machine Learning can do for us rather than on how AI can teach us about new interesting natural phenomena. By highlighting the strong connections that Machine Learning fundamentally has with mathematics and physics, the colloquium will outline the challenging problem of explainability of AI and how we might use it in order to make new scientific discoveries. The colloquium will make connections to problems in industry, where explainable AI is quintessential for risk reduction, as well as to problems in a wide range of research areas such as molecular biology, medicine, electronic design automation or material science. At the heart of the colloquium will be our pioneering work in string theory and AI since 2017 and how explainable AI is paving the way for new groundbreaking discoveries at the interface of mathematics and physics.