날짜별 글 목록: 07/12/2021

[학회] Cluster algebras and related topics

서울대학교 모듈과 공간의 양자구조 연구센터(QSMS)에서 주관하는 클러스터 대수 관련 학회입니다.

A brief introduction to cluster algebras
Sangjib Kim

Reflections in Coxeter groups and cluster algebras I-IV
Su Ji Hong, Jeongwoo Yu, Kyu-Hwan Lee, Kyungyong Lee

Seeds many Lagrangian fillings for Legendrian links I-III
Youngjin Bae, Eunjeong Lee, Byung Hee An

Wall-crossing in Lagrangian Floer theory and cluster transformations
Hansol Hong

Generalized skein algebra and decorated Teichmuller space
Han-Bom Moon

Fock-Goncharov duality conjecture and tropical integer points of cluster A-varieties
Hyun Kyu Kim

Categorification and cluster algebra
Euiyong Park

Monoidal categorification of quantum cluster algebras and quantum affine algebras
Se-jin Oh