[정기특강] 기계학습 딥러닝 (Deep generative models)

수학과 2학기 정기특강입니다.

1. 일시 : 2018년 11월 30일 (금) 오후 4시 ~ 5시 30분 !!!시간변경!!! 4시부터입니다.
2. 장소 : 아산이학관 526호
3. 연사 : 임성빈 (카카오브레인)
4. 제목 : A Brief Introduction to the Deep Generative Models
5. 내용: Generative models have lately attracted tremendous attention due to the advances in performance empowered by deep learning. In this lecture, we will provide the nutshells of learning theory and introduce recent deep generative models together with their applications. This lecture is for audiences who are familiar with basic statistical learning theory.